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Vigil outside Widener Library for Israeli victims of Hamas' attackstatements


We've heard from many of you who are eager to do something, and we are most grateful for this outpouring of supportive messaging. Providing the extra communal care and support that are necessary right now is our honor, but we need your help. Your generous donation will support programs and associated costs.

  • First-Year Faculty Dinner
  • Tikkun Olam learning group
  • Online Speaker Series
  • Welcome to Harvard Hillel!

Harvard Hillel is a Jewish home-away-from-home that invites Harvard students to experience a variety of Jewish identity, practice, culture, and community. All Harvard students are welcome to join us in our building for social programming, kosher dining, learning opportunities, religious services, a place to shmooze, and more!

What's Happening at Harvard Hillel

New events are continually being added, so check back frequently!