Student Conservative Minyan

Student Conservative Minyan (SCM) is a fully student-run minyan with services that are egalitarian and traditional. Men and women are invited to participate equally, and the year-round services are mostly in Hebrew, following the siddur Sim Shalom. Undergraduates and graduate students make up the leadership and much of the attendance of the minyan; community members make up a part of the minyan as well.

SCM meets for all services on Shabbat and holidays. Shabbat and holiday services especially offer much opportunity for spirited davening (praying), with singing, clapping, and dancing. Friday night davening is especially lively.

In addition, SCM organizes social programming for the student community year-round, from holiday parties to study breaks to get-togethers. SCM actively tries to foster student leadership, and will help teach those who would like to learn more about how to lead services, read Torah, give a D'var Torah (a "word of Torah," or mini-sermon), etc.

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