Dani Passow

Rabbi Dani Passow

Senior Director of Public & Alumni Programs
Rabbi Dani Passow
Prior to assuming his current role, Dani served as Orthodox Rabbi at Harvard Hillel and was previously Assistant Campus Rabbi Columbia University Hillel. Dani holds a Masters of Science degree in Biostatistics from Harvard and has published papers on genomics, cardiovascular disease, and the placebo effect in various scholarly medical journals.
A graduate of Cooper Union’s engineering school, Dani has studied in a number of yeshivot in Israel, including Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshivat Maale Gilboa and received his rabbinic ordination from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah in New York, where he won the Dov Zakheim Talmud Prize. Dani served as rabbinic consultant for the Sukkah City design competition in Union Square, NY in the fall of 2010 and from 2010-2011 directed the Tav HaYosher— a non-profit program of Uri L’Tzedek, which certifies and promotes kosher eating establishments that treat employees fairly. He lectures and writes frequently about Judaism and social justice and was awarded the 2010 Whizin Prize for Jewish ethics.

Contact Information

p: 617-998-5340
